Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First Time School Parent Jitters

I am seeing lots of Facebook posts about first day school, happy and sad faces (mostly happy), pictures about whatnot, and I have to admit that I am a bit nervous. I never went to a big school, and the school that Kylee is going to go to isn't huge, but it is a lot bigger than anywhere I ever attended (until my senior year of high school) I was a little intimidated by all the classrooms and the hallways and stairs...geesh, am I going to survive? And this isn't even for me! I'm the parent at this point, and I am sending my kid to this place. We registered this morning, and she was very excited to see where she will attending school to say the least. Everything was new and exciting, even filling out the paperwork for kindergarten. That part wasn't as stressful as I imagined. One page to fill out, front and back. I was very prepared for the rest. Open house is Monday, and I have a feeling the tears are going to be shed that day. This is it. My kids are starting school and there isn't anything that I can do about it. Some might say that I could homeschool. While it's for some parents, it's not for me. I am NOT that parent. I love my children dearly and they will be missed, but I'm just not a teacher, and I am definitely not that patient.

This is just another hurdle in my life that I will be getting over and heading onto the next. I did find out today that the list I got was only half of what I really needed. Everything is a learning process from this point. We made a trip to Target and switched some things out with what we already bought last week. If that isn't frustrating enough, I have listening to my kids argue a lot lately. Maybe this household is ready for school time! I think they are getting to the age that they need some separation time to really appreciate each other later. My kids are buddies. They play very well together, but sometimes sharing toys is an issue. How in the world do you get your kid to just quit crying over something the other has? I would love some feedback.

As much as I would love to turn Netflix on and just let them be "brain dead" for the next couple hours, I just can't get myself to do it. I feel like tv is a privilege, not a right in this house. My kids have to ask to watch, and if I say no to something, that's what I mean. I am starting to get more attitudes lately. Not all the time, not even most of the time, but just enough to make mom need a small break.

Anyway...I have been looking on pinterest for good lunch ideas and how to get your kid to eat more. Grocery shopping will take place the weekend before, and I plan on involving my daughter in the some of the decision making. I don't want her getting bored with school lunch or trying to trade with other kids (not even sure if they can do that anymore). I think the more involved she is in some of the decisions, the better we will be for this new adventure.

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