Saturday, August 22, 2015

Am I Doing Something Wrong Here?

There is nothing more stressful than being a parent. You are in charge of little lives. Growing them into thoughtful human beings, that will hopefully be successful, brave, kind, loving, smart, etc...As a mother, you never really know how you are doing, especially on days when nothing seems to go right. You yell too much. You don't pay enough attention to these little beings. You don't feed "on time" and then they are STARVING! My kids have been driving me crazy for the past week. School has not started yet for us. It's 3 days away, and I pray that I make it that long. My husband has been out of town for the past week so this mom here has not had a single break. No grandparents around to drop the kids off at. No sitters. Nothing. Just mom. From 8 in the morning to whenever their little can longer stay open from exhaustion.

They go to bed around 8pm, but that doesn't mean that go to sleep so I'm still on duty...but I guess being a mom, you really are never off duty, even at 3am when one them gets sick, or decides to sleep walk into your room and then wet the get the idea. I learn everyday. I make mistakes everyday. I am far from perfect. I probably don't pay enough attention to them when they need it and maybe that's why they have a hard time listening and obeying.


I love my children to the moon and back. I would do anything for them, I would die for them. They came from my womb, but I am tired. I know school is about to start, but I am about to wits end with this single parenting. Don't get me wrong...I know people personally that I have done, are doing it and they are wonderful parents. This just isn't for me. 1 week was enough. I need my honey home. The kids need their daddy and I need some sanity back. These are just ramblings and hopefully things will get better and more interesting so I will just leave you with that.

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